Thursday, 4 September 2014

Rogue Trader 15mm: Emperor's Children

So Chico's been a busy boy and knocked out the first Warband from my Rogue Trader 15mm Project

Emperor's Children

Quite happy with my first try at 15mm, these are more 18mm though so it was perhaps a easy choice to start off with them, plus it's the smallest Warband and I'm so used to painting purple.

These were great fun to paint and I wish there were more versions as I'd like some more to add them (After the next 6 Warbands I have planed, yup update soon with 3 extras I have yet to mention on my Blog).

Also trying out new basing scheme, a wet swamp using GW Stirland Mud and some unbranded Inks I had laying around from when I worked in Hobbycraft a decade ago.
