Sunday, 8 February 2015

Blood Bowl: Real Perverts Wear Pink Pt.2

I have a confession to make..

It's big (So's the confession)..


The Team is coming together well and I'm finding using a rich heavy pigmented Pink really does paint rather well, almost fool (or people from Essex) proof :D

The Beastface Beastman (Middle) was a real joy to paint so I have to thank Axiom for that pleasure. I have 2 more to paint also, part of me wishes I grabbed the Beastface Mino when I had the option/money rather then the Impact Minitures one (Which is still nice).

I tryed a lighter skintone then i'm used to on Chaos Warrior as my ruggy dark tanned skin tones didn't quite work out. Overall though I'm quite happy and the Team is coming together. A small fact is I'm painting them all 1 at a time from start to finish as each sculpt is so different and it keeps everything enjoyable, plus I'm in no rush to finish.

Enjoy, be sure to follow the Blog and comment if you wish :D