Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Blood Bowl: Real Perverts Wear Pink Pt.8

It's been a month since the last BB  painting update as I took a little break away from the pink side to paint something less ''Arhhhh my eyes!''

But I have finished painting the Coach and another mutated Chaos Warrior.

The Coach is a Midlam Miniatures ex Metal Magic Evil Do'er, and the Chaos Warrior is a Citadel 3rd ed figure which I've wanted since first seeing him as a skint teenager.

While the team is rather large, I still have more still left to paint including the Chaos Cheerleader given to me by Mr Ass (You can view his Blog here)

I'm more then likly going to expan this team even further to have the option of running them as a Chaos Pact team but we'll see.

Comments welcome )