Thursday, 2 April 2015

Necromunda: Battle Report - Redemptionists Vs Pit Slaves

Snarling Rat former Chief of the Spotted Dog Tribe now outcast Badskin heard rumours of a Pit Slave rebellion near the Redemptionist Output of Burnitdown. Maybe he can use it for his advantage and remove the Zealots from his holy sacred hive.

So today my and my other half managed to get a game in, it;s her fault as she mentioned I havn't used the scenery she bought me for my last birthday.. So Ha! Game time!

She took the Redemptions while I took a few Pit Slaves along with Snarling Rat one of my Badskins, As always we took what we liked rather then doing a Roster as it was played as a stand alone game


The Redemptionists set up, Zoe put both Autoguns in cover in higher ground while the Deacon with Flamer set up on the left. Priest and 2 Novices took cover in a Building.

I went for  simple set up with my Pit Slaves with all but my Techo W/ Plasma Gun hiding on my left


Both sides move forward with the combat troopers. The Techno with the Plasma Gun sets it to Max power and lets lose at the Deacon in cover, which hits and wounds but despite being a high impact weapon fails to take him out of auction and only suffers a down result. First blood to me! muahaha.


Arhhh balls.. not such a good turn for the Pit Slaves as the Redemptionists Brethren open fire taking both the Pit Slave Techno with Plasma and Snarling Rat the Badskin Down, Too add further insult the Techno fails his test and falls over the railing and hits the floor... Silly bugger!  The Slave edge further getting ready to charge next turn.


Ha! The Pit Slave Chief manages to get a charge this turn and slaughters a Novice thats moved up this turn. The surviving Slaves open fire but miss or are out of range. The Flamer Techno moves forward to try and roast someone next turn.


The Redemptionist Priest and another Novice charge Pit Slave Chief to try and put the combat monster out of the game and without his Leadership would more likely fail a Bottle Roll. Redemption Sniper manages to pin a Pit Slave stopping him charging next turn. Techo Flamer moves up and roasts a the Redemptionist sniper who then fails his test and falls over the edge...

The Novel gets taken down in close combat but the Priest is still fighting it out. The Pit Slave Techno with Plasma manages to stop the Bleeding and turn over. While the Badskin bleeds out and is removed.

With that the Redempionists fail their turn 5 Bottle Roll and flee

Well there you have it... I even managed to get a win.. despite being shot to bits but it was great fun and I got to use my newly painted gangs and scenery. I even heard mutterings that she'll beat me next time once I got the Scavvie gang put together for her :D