Thursday, 14 May 2015

SAGA: Battle Report - ''Time Flux''

Vikings Vs Crusaders

With a crash of light and the beat of thunder the mists parted, today the Gods will have their fun tonight, as laid before them were warriors of different ages prepared to fight while there chosen champion faced off.

So last night at my local gaming club I had arranged for a 6pt SAGA game, not knowing what I'll face I brought my Vikings and ended up facing Crusaders from the C&C book... Oh dear not very historic then hehe.

The battle would be The Challenge scenario with both Warlords facing each other 4" apart and the Warbands deployed away and needing to rush up. The other mod is that the Warlords start with 12 HP's rather then 2 as normal.

Despite the Vikings taking out 2pts of mounted Knights and taking 6hp of the Crusaders Warlord they weren't faring so well as the Hearthguard and Bondi took  damage from a rather heavy stacked Crusader Board. And my Warlord dropped to 2hp.. ouchy.

Crusaders took the day as they Crusader Battle Board is rather overpowered but it was great fun and it's time to get the Revanants painted... Historic Game you say? Ha!