Thursday, 25 June 2015

WEG Star Wars - Battle Report ''Storming the Rebel Base''

Storm the Rebel Base

The skies darken over ZAN IV as the Imperial Dropships break the atmosphere above. 

First to set foot with the Vanguard was General Veers and the 2 notorious Bounty Hunters Boba Fett & Big Bertha. 

Today will see much bloodshed...

So last night we played the 2nd battle in the ongoing Star Wars campaign set on ZAN IV.

The first Battle ''Bounty Hunting'' (Broken into 2 parts) can be viewed HERE and HERE.

The Empire has found Han Solo hiding out on a Rebel Training Base on ZAN IV and after a failed Bounty Hunting mission by Boba Fetthas descided to bring in the full force of the Empire to both wipe out the Base and bring Commander Solo in, dead or alive it matters not.

The Forces:

(Note we don't play points games, but rather took what was fitting)

The Empire:

General Veers - Blaster Pistol
Boba Fett - Blaster Pistol(s)
Big Bertha - Blaster Carbine + Blast Effect
15 Stormtroopers - 3 Blaster Carbines, 12 Blaster Pistols

The Rebels:

Han Solo - Blaster Pistol
3 Mon Calamari Commandos - Blaster Pistols
15 Rebels - 2 Blaster Carbines, 13 Blaster Pistols

Whats the number for Pizza the Hutt again?

Long range shooting starts to take it's toll with both Stormtroopers and Rebels falling to lucky Blaster shots. Big Bertha takes up a shooting position for her boosted Blaster Carbine (That thing hurts when she hits).

The Stormtroopers march closer as the Mon Calamari make their counter attack taking out General Veers while a lucky shot from a Rebel does a wounding hit on Bertha.

The Rebels are taking more and more damage and the Stormtroopers seem unstoppable, looking like the Base will be over run.

Close Combat breaks out all over the place and the Rebels flees from the might of the Empire as more Reinforcements land.

Victory to the Empire!

Thanks for reading boys and girls, stay tuned for the next Battle Report.. 

Did Solo escape? Is Veers Dead? Anyone like deep fired Calamari?