Sunday, 29 November 2015

Ral Partha Zombie Dragon

Painting time is once again happening, but nowhere near the time I had before.

Yesterday night I had a spare 2 hours and a pre-based and sprayed Zombie Dragon waiting for some love to join my Kings of War Varangur force.

I didn't want to go for the classic rotten look as I wanted it to retain it's colour from life, in this case a red fire Dragon.

It was also a chance to get the Clear Red (Ohhh I love the smell) out and do some blood effects that I havn't used since the Pit Slave Gang for Necromunda.

I also put together the Ghost Dragon, boy is he a bugger to fit but was well worth the effort.

He'll also give me the chance to try a Ghost/Ethereal style paint job which I haven't done before :)

Well thanks for looking chaps and chapettes.