Thursday, 31 December 2015

Chico's Last Painted Figure of 2015

Chico's Last Painted Figure of 2015

And it ain't even Oldhammer...

Shock horror eh?

Well not so much I guess as on OoaB I've always gone and posted any random figure I painted and has since grown to include many wonderful and varied posts.

So at the end of the day who cares if it ain't Oldhammer?

Wanna see it?

Yep it's a Forgeworld LE Boarding Captain from a few years back.

Painted in glorious Emperor's Children colours and on a Daemonscape Base my go too resin base makers.

Why did I paint it?

Well I've been out of the mainstream GW fold for such a long time that some bits *Cough* Forgeworld) *Cough* seem appealing again and 30k/Horus Heresy fluff is one thing I have always found interesting (As my stash of 30 odd BL HH Novels can attest) even when outside GW's hard cold grip.

Welp as a final figure of the year I'm pleased with it and I'll wonder what 2016 will bring..

Happy Drink Beer everyone!