Monday, 30 May 2016

Blood Bowl: What!?-Fords Part 4 - Time for a Upgrade? Downgrade?

So along time ago ( Jan 2015), Ok not that long ago in the grand scheme of things I finished my Human Blood Bowl team the What!?-Fords which were named after my home town Watford and even used the colours of the Football Team (Yes I'm not a Football Fan but rather a Rugby Fan).

You can see what was the final post HERE

The team as it stands now
Now honestly I'm not that happy with the team, Why? because it's a Hybrid team of 2nd and 3rd Ed players and they just don't jell to well together.


1: Change all the 3rd Ed to 2nd Ed
2: 2nd Ed to 3rd

I think I prefer the 2nd Ed players but I have more 3rd Ed,, 


So I also have a bag of extra 2nd Ed players (3 Plastic and 3 Metal) along 2 2nd Ed painted not shown in the picture above and 10 3rd Ed (9 Plastic and a Metal Star Player).

So what too do?

Damnit 2nd Ed it is!

I got a feeling hunting for some of these may make my paypal account cry.

Still a nice slow burn project to jump too when painting 10mm,Camo or Mordheim gets too much.