Thursday, 9 March 2017

Back of Beyond - Chinese Prep Work Begins

What? Whats this?

Yes your eyes aren't deceiving you!

It's another post!

Damn you lot are lucky, wish I got to look at drivel such as this and blurry pics like you loyal OoaB readers get too!

Anyway now my ego can't fit though the door it's time for the post.

So my deal came in the post from  LAF, 27 Chinese Nationalists (25 Copplestone, 2 Pulp).

Now i'm going to try and do something I have never done before and that's paint from a grey base.

I've only ever used black (Yep never even bothered with white).

I'm also going to be using a new technique I've learnt to make snow bases (Unlike my over Snow bases these are easy to do).

So it seems this force is a force of firsts... lets hope my grand plans work out!

So test figures to come in the next few days... so you might get another post this week! *Faints*

Ta ta for now!