Thursday, 23 March 2017

Bolt Action: German Armour

In July last year I posted up a Blog post showing off my German force for BA/K'47.

Now I wasn't happy with it and I ended up paint stripping them and separating the force into two, a K'47 army which also serves as a BA Last Levy force with changing up the units (Remove Volksstrum & add in Heavy Armoured Inf or vice versa) pictures of those to come.

The 2nd force were turned into a Ostfront Mid-Late War Winter force.

Today I finished the last but of Armour in the form of a Stummel.

So here's all the Armour done:

Now depending on the era of the Armour (Mid or Late) it's either a Grey or Middlestone (Green/Yellow) basecoat which has been Winter whitewashed and frosted.

In the next few days I should be finishing the Infantry as well, been a long journey repainting these but well worth it methinks.

Ta Ta for now!