Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Warhammer 40k/30k: Just When I Thought I Was Out...

Whelp, here we are almost 6 years since I quit ''Modern'' GW (Accept a brief 30k fascination a couple of years back) I find myself looking at trying 40k once more.

40k 8th Edition has everyone talking and mostly good reviews has peeked my interest somewhat.

Trouble is GW prices are still insane and the start up costs could get you a 2 week holiday abroad.

I wanted to try the game and not have to buy another force on the off chance I didn't like the game, so I had only real 1 option and that was use one of my forces for other game systems and the easiest one to port over was my Emperor's Children 30k force.

50 Power Level Space Marine Force

Lucky for me only a few things needed adding to certain Squads (Special and Heavy Weapons) to make them 40k compatible, plus I only needed 50 Power Level for the time being and gave me an excuse to finish painting the new plastic 30k Mk.3 Marines I picked up at whim at the beginning of the year (Yes late night Ebaying strikes again).

I'm rather happy with the new additions and I will say this I normally hate painting plastics but these Mk.3's and Mk.4's are a pure joy to paint.

Plus they blend in with the Resin FW ones perfectly, can you tell which ones are which in the above pictures?

The 2011 FW Event Boarding Marine above is my favourite, sadly I had lost his shield so I had to go and buy another one for his shield a couple of weeks ago being a LE Event Figure it hurt my wallet and not quite sure if it's a recast or not.

The rest of the kit will get converted into a Techmarine, too bloody expensive to not find some use for it.

I have a game tomorrow of 50 Power Level which this force so I'll be able to tell if I like the game or not, but even If I don't it rekindled my love of Horus Heresy/30k so it's not all for nothing.

So I'll be adding to my Emperor's Children regardless :)

Well that's it for today, comments always welcome.

Ta Ta for now.