Thursday, 29 March 2018

The Great British Slaaneshi Rescue: Pt.2

Welcome loyal viewers once again to the section of the interwebs only talked about in hushed whispers away from loved ones... No not Ebay!

Anyhoo, this is Pt.2 of the ongoing brownie point scoring project to relive my other halves long unloved Host of Slaanesh.

Pt.1 is HERE

First too be finished were a unit of 5 Seekers of Slaanesh and The Masque herself.

I went with all the normal trope colour schemes, purples, pinks and preys along with a homage to the OG Daemonettes with the classic red claws (Add a joke about having craps here).

Using a grey undercoat (Halfords Primer) makes this rather bright and ''poppy'' compared to most of my paint schemes which is a nice wee break from the norm.

Below is the remaining bits to start on, then if all goes to plan I can see about expanding the force and hooking the Wife back into playing again.

Well that's your lot for today, thanks for viewing and as always comments are always welcome.

Ta Ta.