Friday, 6 April 2018

The Great British Slaaneshi Rescue: Pt.4

(Song to get you into the right frame of Slaaneshi mind)

Welcome to Pt.4 of The Great British Slaaneshi Rescue!

It's starting to look like a force rather than a collection of unloved Goths.

Deamonettes and a Fiend

I didn't want to spend too long on these as too be honest I don't like them too much, the plastic kit isn't that detailed compared to the Seekers of Slaanesh and the over detailed Chariots.

Still I manged to pump out 12 is 4 days, while fecking about trying to put together the Start Collecting box.. I hate building plastic *Mutter*

Now the Fiend I liked painting, it was both simple and yet enough there to keep interested while painting.. Nothing to do with the 4 boobies.. Honest! 👀

Up next is far too much army filler another 10 Daemonettes, Exalted Chariot, 2 Heralds, 5 Seekers than it'll be time to grab some new toys to add.

No the crew isn't stuck on.. I ain't mad heh
 I'd like to add a Keeper of Secrets but the GW one is tiny and needs updating and the alternative 3rd party ones are wallet hurty so that'll have to wait.

Currently on the hunt for a Azazel, Prince of Damnation

I had one years ago so the Oldhammer in me wants another one for old times sake.

Whelp that's ya lot for today, as always comments welcome.

Ta Ta for now!