Thursday, 30 April 2020

Bushido: Jung Pirates

When years passed without word of the Jung, they were considered lost, their return under the moon of the giant squid surprised everyone. They have reaped what they need from the traders on the seas of the Jwar Isles, forcing the Shiho, the leaders of the Prefecture at that time, to label them pirates. Their fleets are faster and their knowledge of the Isles’ waters unparalleled by all but perhaps the Carp clan, allowing them to evade the larger, less experienced junks of the Prefecture. Long years away from the courts of the Jwar Isles have left the Jung rough around the edges but they have not forgotten their ancestry.

Welcome back to the Blog of Vice and Dice and today for your reading pleasure I have another Bushido update with the view to finishing my collections and documenting them here.

This time it's the Purple People Eaters turn to get finished up, my Jung Pirates.

I'll be honest with you all that I just didn't enjoy painting these (Which is no doubt why I never finished them till now).

I hate painting human skin tones, I can never get them correct and they are always messy. I even cheated the bases and bought some cheapo ones from ebay in the hope they would look better upon them.

I think this is me done with Bushido painting for the time being as I think I need to go scratch that Historical gaming/painting itch that has been building in my mind (Watch this space.. maybe if I pull the trigger on it) but if you want a hint what that may then think Redcoats and Tomahawks. 

Well that's your lot for today, remember boys and girls to click follow and to give a comment if you like what you see.