Friday, 4 August 2017

Horus Heresy: Emperor's Children - Cataphractii Terminators & Techmarine

Good morning my fellow Wargamers and Lead Heads.

Once again I have been painting up my 30k/Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children.

Last time I showed you my Traitor Librarian-Sorcerer which I really enjoy converting and painting.

Today though I have 2 new units finished and all are converted, it would be rude not too eh?

First up my Cataphractii Terminators.

A few years ago I traded away a large number of Squats and one of these trades I received a large bag of Forgeworld EC bits which along with a host of other bits included 23 Phoenix Terminator legs and torsos but only enough bits to make 6 complete Phoenix Terminators.

So what was I going to do with the 17 other incomplete kits?

Well I sold off 5 torsos and legs to fund buying another Forgeworld 2011 Event Miniature Boarding Captain as I had lost the shield on my one (Favourite EC Mini, so had to replace the missing part).

That leaves 12, which I've converted so far 5 into the Cataphractii Terminators using BaC plastice arms and weapons.

Simple and effective if I do say so myself.

Next up is a Tech Marine:

I picked him up cheap on Ebay as I liked the kitbash. All I did was give him a new Mk.3 left arm and EC Pad plus a new base.

A lick of paint later and he's done.

Whelp that's your lot for today, as always comments welcome even if it's just to say how much you fancy me ;)

Ta Ta for now!