Sunday evening the Herts Shard (A small group of Hertfordshire and surrounding areas based players of Gates) met up for our first get together.
Short story is that I lost but I had a blast and had some good old banter.
There was 2 games going:
Ghar Vs Algoryn
Boromites Vs Algoryn Vs Ghar
Sadly 2 of the furrier members couldn't make it as they had prior commitments (Sleeping, eating & attacking random stuff) but they striked a pose for the camera none the less
The buildings are mine and are from Mantic's Deadzone Range which I havn't used for awhile, works quite well I thought.
The 2nd game, I didn't get too many pictures as I was playing and we were rushing though as it was getting late.
But it was safe to say I got shot to shit as deployment zone was this little triangle.
Oh well, time to start my Rebel Ghar then I might win a game or 2 hehe.
Thanks for looking, and always comments welcome.
Also if you are located near me and fancy some games come join the Herts Shard FB Page.
Ta Ta for now!