Monday, 19 May 2014

Some bad news and the state of the Challenge Weeks

Hey Boys, Girls and People (I use that word loosely) from Essex,

Well I like to keep this Blog as Oldhammer (By my definition) as possible but now and again my personal problems do get aired as I tend to find I've fostered a almost Pub like atmosphere to this Blog where you can talk about any subject in a friendly manner (Except Religion unless It's Chicoism ™)

So what's my point?

Well some of you may have noticed the slight decrease in posts and painted figures, this is not dew to the Blog closing down but rather to my failing eyesight.

Yesterday I got back from seeing a Dr in the specialist Moorfields Eye Hospital in central London and they have found 3 problems so far (More tests are needed this Friday)

They are:

Increased pressure behind my eyes
Mild Diabetic Retinopathy
Small tear in my right eye

Now this is far from great but it could have been worse so I have to look on the positive side of things, It does mean painting and hobby related goodness will decrease alot for alittle while.

Chico Challenge Weeks™

Now as the Challenge Weeks were brought in to keep myself and others focused on painting figures 1 at a time/small groups rather then whole armies, I'd like to think it has been a success with 4 Weeks run and dozens of Minis getting painted.

But have to fear the Challenge Weeks will live on! Starting next week it'll be back so keep your eyes (Get it?) on the look out for it.
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