So now and again I like to give a little review on some of the various paints I've been using, you can see other paint reviews here:
Today we are going to focus on both the VGC Heavy Opaques (Much like the Citadel Foundation/Base paints) & Washes (Not the Inks)
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So lets start with the washes,much like the main range and other add ons they come in 17ml bottles (Citadel is 10ml) there are 2 really useful ones which i'll cover: Pale Wash and Black Wash. Pale Wash is great for shading white without dirtying it up. Perfect for those silly elfin kin.
Black Wash is well a standard Black Wash, but where it stands out is it's flow patterns it doesn't turn misty in colder temperatures but unlike most washes though it doesn't take to diluting with water, so i recommend getting some flow medium or just not be heavy handed with the wash. Nuln Oil might still have the edge but this wash costs alot less for alot more.
To sum the up, VGC Washes are cost effect compared to Citadel and also cost less then the AP Washes but should not be water diluted.
Now VGC Heavy/Extra Opaque colours are the same consistency as Model Colour, which is alot thicker then the Game Colour range. But unlike the Model Colour range the Extra Opaque's are rather bright and perfect for the Fantasy/Sci-Fi Wargamer/Painter.
These are also quite comparable to the Citadel Foundation range of old and the new Base colours. As you would expet they also take washes and highlights well,
Like all ranges there are downsides but the joy is searching those ranges for those you like and mixing and matching between them. No full range is perfect but Vallejo is edging out the top runner for me, that even before I mention Model colour/Panzer/Pigments/Air & Primers.